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Horse Registration 

Application for registration will only be accepted from financial members of the New Zealand Pinto Horse Society Incorporated and you must be the legal owner or leasee of the horse to apply for registration.   


If the horse is leased a Lease Notification form must be completed by the horse’s registered owner. 


Application must be made via the Societies official website  All details must be completed in full.  If all requirements are not met within 14 days of the application being submitted the application will be deleted with an administration fee deducted.  The remaining fee will be refunded within 7 days.  The applicant will then have to resubmit the application and payment if they wish to apply for registration again.   


Horse Registration Certificate 

The Registration Certificate is issued via email by the Society to the horses current registered owner upon receipt of electronic payment and the completed Registration form.  The registration number on the certificate will start with PT followed by a number. 



A horse can only be registered in one pattern category.  


The accepted pattern categories are: - 







If the pattern is deemed in doubt by the Registrar a pattern test is required before the registration can be completed. 


A Pintaloosa must have the minimum patch requirements and spots to be eligible for registration and have an Overo, Tobiano or Tovero parent. 


Sabino patterned horses are NOT eligible for registration. 


Horses must have definitive white markings on the body, not including face or below the elbow and stifle on the legs as per diagram below.  












The lesser of the two colours should meet one of the following: - 



Current or estimated mature height 96.52cm (38 inches) and under.  Patches to total no less than A6. 



Current or estimated mature height to be over 96.52cm and under 148cm.  Patches to total no less than A5. 



Current or estimated mature height to be over 148cm.  Patches to total no less than A4.   


Coat Colour  

Horses may be white and any other colour except Grey such as Bay, Black, Palomino, Buckskin, Chestnut etc.  If the coat colour is in doubt by the Registrar a coat colour test is required before the registration can be completed. 


Only colour visible on a dry horse from a minimum of 2 metres away shall be considered.   


Grey horses are NOT eligible for registration.  If the horse applying for registration has a grey parent or looks to be greying out, a DNA test is required to show the horse does not carry the grey gene. 


​Artificial Markings or Coat Colour 

Any horse applying for registration with artificial markings or colour excluding mane, tail and hooves will be rejected for registration.  No refunds of registration or membership will be given.    


If the horse is already registered and the horse’s markings or colour (excluding mane, tail and hooves) is deemed by the committee to be falsified the horse's registration will be suspended until the committee investigates and either reinstates the registration or revokes it depending on the outcome.  The horse's owner may be expelled from the Society if they were the person who registered the horse falsely.  No refunds of registration or membership will be given.


Naming of Horses 

The maximum length of a registered horse’s name must not exceed thirty-five (35) letters including the prefix or suffix and spaces. 


The Society can refuse to accept names which are likely to be confused with other registered horse’s names or deemed inappropriate by the committee.  If using your own prefix or suffix this must also be registered with the Society. 


Once a horse is registered the name can only be changed by the horse’s registered owner by submitting the Change of Name form, making electronic payment and with approval from the Society. A registered prefix or suffix cannot be changed, without permission from the owner of the registered prefix or suffix. 


To register a horse using a registered prefix or suffix that is not yours. The owner of the prefix or suffix must provide written permission to the Registrar before the prefix or suffix can be used or proof of breed registration with another Breed Association or Society. 


Branding and Microchipping 

Horses registered with the Society do not have to be branded and/or microchipped. But if branded and/or microchipped this must be advised at time of registration.  If a horse has been subsequently branded and/or microchipped this also must be advised to the Registrar and an updated registration certificate will be issued via email. 


Age of the Horse 

The age of the horse shall be computed based on a calendar year starting on 1st August of the year foaled.  It is a weanling during the calendar year in which foaled and yearling in the first calendar year following its foaling date, regardless of the date and year foaled i.e. horse foaled 27 Nov 2023 or 13 April 2024 automatically become yearlings at 1 August 2024. 


The only exception to this rule is the foal of a mare covered on or after e.g. 1st September 2024 will be deemed to commence its first year of life on 1st August 2025 regardless of its date of birth, provided that date of birth is consistent with such covering and a signed Insemination Certificate from Veterinarian or AI Technician, or a Service Certificate from the stallion owner is provided. 


Change of Ownership 

When ownership of a registered horse is changed (sold) a Change of Ownership form must be fully completed, and electronic payment made.  An updated certificate will then be emailed to the new owner.   


Replacement or Updated Registration Certificate 

A replacement certificate is a copy of the original registration certificate issued when the original has been lost.  An updated certificate is a registration certificate issued when there is a change in colour, markings, breeding details, foaling date, addition of brands and/or microchip. 



When an animal has died the Registrar is to be advised via email by the registered owner. 



Copyright 2024 by NZ Pinto Horse Society
website design by boomedia

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