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A. The Society must have a minimum of fifteen members.

The Society shall consist of members each being a person interested in any manner of the Pinto horse. 


B. Membership shall be open to all persons who subscribe to the purpose of the Society, agree to abide by its constitution, rules, and regulations upon their written submission of the online Membership application to the Secretary of the Society and payment of the annual subscription fee. 


C. The signatories to these rules shall be the first member. 


D. Members are responsible for notifying the Society via email of any change to their contact information.


E. The Society shall maintain an up-to-date and accurate list of its members, including, but not limited to, membership category, members name, membership number, date membership started and last known contact information.


Rule 12


Membership shall be open to all persons who subscribe to the purpose of the Society, agree to abide by its constitution rules and regulations upon their written submission of the online Membership application to the Secretary of the Society and payment of the annual subscription.


Membership can be declined on the grounds of monies outstanding, maltreatment of horses, have previously been expelled as a financial member, unworthy conduct including misuse of social media involving the Society, unacceptable behaviour at competitions, abuse or unacceptable behaviour towards other members, officials or volunteers representing the Society either verbal, via email, text or other social media.


Unacceptable behaviour will be decided by the current committee if it caused distress to the person the behaviour was aimed at. Misleading statements regarding other members, committee members and officials will also be regarded as unacceptable behaviour.The decision of the committee shall be final.




Every member (excluding Honorary and Life Members) shall pay to the Society an annual subscription fee to be set at each AGM for the following year. Membership fees are valid from 1st August to 31st July of the following year.

F. If the Member gives the Member’s Notice to the Secretary, the Member will have the right to be fairly heard at a committee meeting held within the following fifteen days. If the Member chooses, the Member may provide the Secretary with a written explanation of the events as the Member sees them (“the Member’s Explanation”), and the Member may require the Secretary to give the Member’s explanation to every other Member within seven days of the Secretary receiving the Member’s explanation. The Committee shall then by majority vote decide whether to let the termination stand, or whether to reinstate the Member.

G. The Member has the right to ask for the decision to be reviewed by an external official, from a recognised equestrian association (RAS or ESNZ), who may make recommendations to the committee. Any review is at the Member’s expense.

H. The Committee’s decision will be final.

The Committee may at any time by letter or email advise any member that membership is to be revoked, for breach by him/her of this Constitution or any unworthy conduct including but not limited to maltreatment of horses, cheating including but not limited to at competitions or poor member conduct or false information given when registering a horse. Membership shall be suspended from the date of the letter or email until the SGM is held.


A question of expulsion at a SGM to be held within one calendar month 28 days from the date of such letter or email sent. At such meeting the member whose expulsion is under consideration shall be allowed to offer an explanation in writing or via email and thereupon two thirds of the members present shall vote for his/her expulsion.


That member shall forfeit all rights, title and interest and shall have no claim against the Society for reimbursement of any annual subscription fee or any part thereof. The decision is final.


If, for any reason whatsoever, the Committee is of the view that a Member is breaching the Constitution or acting in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the Society, the Committee may give written notice of this to the Member (“the Committee’s Notice”).

The Committee’s Notice must:

A. Explain how the Member is breaching the Constitution, Regulations or Rules or acting in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the Society;

B. State what the Member must do in order to remedy the situation; or state that the Member must write to the Committee giving reasons why the Committee should not terminate the Member’s Membership.

C. State that if, within fifteen days of the Member being sent the Committee’s Notice to the last known email, the Committee is not satisfied, the Committee may in its absolute discretion immediately terminate the Member’s Membership. The member shall forfeit all rights, title and interest and shall have no claim against the Society for reimbursement of any fees or any part thereof.

D. State that if the Committee terminates the Member’s Membership, the Member may appeal to the Society.

E. Fifteen days after the Member being sent the Committee’s Notice, the Committee may in its absolute discretion by majority vote terminate the Member’s Membership by giving the Member written notice (“Termination Notice”), which takes immediate effect. The Termination Notice must state that the Member may appeal to the Society at the next Meeting by giving written notice to the Secretary (“Member’s Notice”) within ten days of the Member’s being sent the Termination Notice.



The Society shall maintain an up-to-date and accurate list of its members, including, but not limited to, membership category, name, and contact information.

Members are responsible for notifying the Society via email of any change to their contact information.

An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held during the month of July unless the committee decides otherwise, but no later than six months of the end of the Societies financial year. The meeting will be held by either via e-mail votes, online meeting or at a venue appointed by the committee. 


A. The business of the Annual General Meeting will include:-

  • President’s Report

  • Financial Account

  • Treasurer’s Report


B. The election of the following office holders

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Registrar

  • Up to seven Committee members


C. The consideration of any other business

D. The Annual financial statements must be filed with the Companies office by the end of the month that follows the AGM.


Any Adult member is eligible to vote by email or online form on any remit or show of hands in an online meeting at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.  The Secretary must receive the voting form no later than three days prior to the meeting.

Notice of Business for Annual or Special General Meetings. Fourteen days notice of AGM or SGM Meetings will be given to all members stating the time, date and place of the meeting. The Notice will include the business to be transacted at the meeting, and in the case of a SGM, the reason for calling the meeting.


Every notice required to be given to the members shall be deemed to have been duly e-mailed to them at the last known e-mail address or by notice posted on the New Zealand Pinto Horse Society Incorporated website,

7 days’ notice is deemed to be served (by email, website or other electronic means) and not less than 2 committee meetings shall be held in each year via e-mail or online meeting or at such times and places as the President or in his/her absence or inability the Secretary or Vice President shall direct for the purposes of transacting the business of the Society and deciding upon such resolutions as shall be duly submitted at the meeting.  Issues that need to be addressed between meetings will be done so via email and the issue and voting results will be included in the minutes for the next meeting.


Meetings are conducted by email or online meeting. The discussions and voting results will be included in the meetings minutes and will be available on request by any financial member.

At all committee meetings four members shall constitute a quorum, at the Annual General Meeting ten members shall constitute a quorum and at a Special General Meeting seven members shall constitute a quorum.  Proxy vote/s may will be counted towards the numbers of members attending the meetings.  

The committee shall have power to appoint a member to fulfil any casual vacancy on the committee until the next AGM and any member so appointed shall retire at the next AGM together with the rest of the committee. by all and all or any of

The retiring committee shall be eligible for re-election.  An agenda must be presented to all committee members 7 two days prior to the meeting and committee members notified via email or online website and all proxy votes along with comments to be in 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The Society committee shall from time to time by resolution in a committee meeting make, amend or rescind regulations not consistent with the constitution governing procedure at its meetings and or the conduct of the affairs of the Society. Any changes will come into effect immediately.

It shall be the duty of the committee generally to conduct the affairs of the Society and to keep usual and proper books of account properly posted up and other records of the business of the Society and to notify members of intended meetings and the business to be transacted thereat and to prepare and submit to the AGM a report, balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding year. 

Meetings of the committee may be convened by e-mail or online meeting at such times and places as the President Secretary appoints or in his/her absence, inability or refusal to act, the Secretary President shall appoint for the purposes of transacting the business of the Society and deciding upon such resolutions as shall be duly submitted to the meeting.

Committee members are required to vote at meetings, missing no more than two meetings in a row or four throughout the year, unless the committee is contacted and excuses the member at their discretion.

The committee is to maintain a minimum of six members, including position holders, with a maximum of twelve. 

They endeavour to have a balance of membership from both Islands.

All committee members must be a current member of the Society 

All committee members

  • Act in good faith and in the best interests of the Society

  • Exercise powers for proper purposes only

  • Comply with the Societies Act and New Zealand Pinto Horse Society Constitution

  • Exercise reasonable care and diligence

  • Not create a substantial risk of serious loss to creditors

  • Not incur an obligation the officer doesn’t reasonably believe the Society can perform

If the Society is wound up:

  1. The Societies debts, costs and liabilities shall be paid.

  2. No distribution may be made to any Member.

  3. Surplus money and other assets of the Society shall be distributed to the non-for-profit organisation NZ Riding for the Disabled Association.

A. All officers must consent in writing and certify that they are not disqualified.

B. They must be 18 years of age or older.

C. They cannot be:

     A. An undischarged bankrupt​

    B. prohibited from being a director or promoter of a company

     C. disqualified from being an officer of a charitable entity

     D. convicted and sentenced for certain offending within the last 7 years

  • Fraudulent use of destruction of property

  • Defrauding of creditors

  • Improper use of ‘incorporated or the Te Reo version ‘Manatopu’

  • Breaching of a banning order


E. Be unable to comply with any qualifications for officers contained in the society’s constitution.

A. Adult Member

Any person 18 years of age or over as of the 1st August in each year and having been accepted by the Society as an adult member and paid the annual adult member subscription fee as set by the committee.


B. Junior Member

Any person 17 years of age and under as of the 1st August in each year and having been accepted by the Society and paid the annual subscription fee as set by the committee. Junior members shall not be entitled to hold office or vote at any meeting.


C. Family Membership

For families consisting of two or less adults and their dependent children 17 years of age or under as of 1st August in each year and been accepted by the Society and paid the annual subscription fee as set by the committee.   A dependent child is defined as being maintained as a member of the family for which membership is applied, not financially independent and not living with another person in a marriage, civil union or de facto relationship.


D. Life Member 

Any person 18 years of age or over as of the 1st August in each year and having been accepted by the Society as an adult member and paid 15 10 x the current Annual Adult Membership fee

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